Nurture yourself

When we consider our health, we often think about what we eat, how much alcohol we drink and how many steps we walk or run per day. We reason that if we find a happy balance of these each day, we can reduce our risk of illness. However, what about our psychological health? And what about the relationship between our psychological health and our physical health?

You are not the only one

Work can be overwhelming - clients, peers and senior colleagues can have high expectations and we often hold ourselves to the highest standards. Nearly half of respondents from the Law Society's research conducted by Psychology at Work, 2018 into solicitor wellbeing indicated that their mental health has been impacted to a significant degree by stress in their working life. Stated impacts of workplace stress amongst respondents included insomnia, anxiety, physical problems, irritability, depression and self-doubt.

Accepting that we need to look after our psychological health is the first step in staying well. Recognising your own warning signs will allow you to manage your psychological wellbeing and develop your coping skills and resilience over time.

Steps to take

If you feel your stress levels increase, try these positive steps to calibrate your balance and restore your wellbeing.

1. Mental Health Awareness Videos: Access a selected playlist offering insight, useful wellbeing practices, and more.

2. Unlocking Wellbeing - LegalEd Talks: Sign up for this Law Society Skillnet series of free CPD talks from expert speakers on wellbeing covering a variety of topics. For more information, and to access Law Society Skillnet course content, visit LegalED Talks –CPD Training Hub

3. Hear from other experts in these Gazette articles: