I need help

If you are experiencing distressing thoughts relating to suicide, it is important to seek support promptly.

Steps to take

Here are some important steps you can take to address suicidal distress: 

  • Contact your GP to explore supports available.

  • Seek out one-to-one therapeutic support from Pieta to address suicidal distress and self-harm.

  • You cannot be at work; compassionate leave from work may be available.

  • Advise supportive friends and or family members that you are experiencing suicidal thoughts and ask that they check in on you regularly.  Be clear and direct when communicating your need for ongoing support.  You might even share our resources on helping someone who is feeling suicidal

  • Later in your healing, in addition to ongoing therapeutic support, you may find the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) programme offered by Suicide or Survive to be beneficial.

Know the signs of suicide

What prevents suicidal distress?  

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, some key factors can help to prevent suicidal distress:

  • engaging in therapeutic support to enable personal growth;

  • strengthening your emotional health and resiliency to allow you to thrive;

  • support to develop coping and problem-solving skills;

  • identifying reasons for living, such as family and friends;

  • feeling connected to others; and/or

  • reduced access to lethal means.

See more resources here