WRC decisions and recommendations

12/02/2024 14:35:00

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has published decisions and recommendations from 15 to 23 January 2024.

January employment case law

Cases covered include:

  • a complaint ruled out of time where the relevant form was submitted three days after the statutory deadline (Mairead Hanlon v Ard Churam Day Care Centre, ADJ-00040197),

  • a successful complaint of discrimination of grounds of age and victimisation arising from rostering for a security worker (John Moran v Security At Risk Security Group Limited Sar Group, ADJ-00045342), and

  • an award of reduced compensation following a flawed disciplinary process that resulted in a dismissal for gross misconduct (Kenneth Brennan v Maybin Support Services (Ireland) Ltd Momentum Support ADJ-00042249).

Full details are available on the WRC website.