Invitation to contribute to Irish Justice Community Response to Afghan Crisis

07/10/2021 00:00:00

Organisations across the Irish legal sector are uniting to support Afghan female judges.

Dear Colleague,

The Irish State is currently securing safe passage and protection for a number of Afghan female judges and their families arising from the dangers they would otherwise face by remaining in Afghanistan. Their arrival here is imminent.

As we know, the position of female legal professionals in particular, judges and lawyers, is precarious under the Taliban regime.

In a unique demonstration of solidarity with our Afghan judicial and lawyer colleagues, the coalition of the above parties is inviting all members of the legal community to assist as part of a collaborative, justice sector effort to support their safe transition to and settlement in Ireland.

Legal Community Sponsorship: How we can help

The best and most fitting model of support is one based on community sponsorship where local colleagues assist in practical, social and professional ways to welcome and integrate those colleagues arriving, along with their families.

This model of support has proved successful elsewhere, and we believe is an effective way for the Irish legal community to lend its urgent support to our colleagues.

There are three ways that you can help: 

  • Housing & Accommodation: Do you have access to, or know of, a suitable residential property to accommodate the judges and their families for a 1-year period? Register your interest here
  • Justice Community Fund: Are you in a position to pledge a donation towards a fund to assist the judges and their families? Make your pledge here
  • Collegiality & Support: Practical non-financial assistance, including professional and personal support, friendship, networking and social opportunities. To get involved, register here

Friendship across the legal professions knows no bounds. Our colleagues from Afghanistan are facing enormous challenges and so, I know, the Irish solicitors’ profession will do everything we can to help. Protecting the human rights of those in vulnerable situations is at the very core of what we do.

Who is managing this initiative?

This initiative is being overseen by a small group composed of representatives of the Judiciary, led by the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) and the Association of Judges of Ireland (AJI), The Bar of Ireland and the Law Society of Ireland, and the wider Justice sector in Ireland (North and South), supported by the Irish Refugee Programme of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, and the Department of Justice. As the structures are put in place, colleagues will be updated.

The State will provide practical assistance to the families to secure school places for the children, access to social welfare and any health supports required.

Who can I contact about this initiative?

For any immediate queries that you may have arising from the above, you can contact They will endeavour to respond to your query. Thank you for your assistance.

With kind regards,

James Cahill
