Eating Disorder Awareness

05/03/2024 11:30:11

Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2024 focused on the theme 'Eating Disorder Recovery and Beyond: Respecting Individuality and Identity'.

Understanding disordered eating

Law Society Psychological Services understands that our relationships with food can be complex. At challenging periods in personal or professional life, those complexities can for a sizeable number of us, tip into disordered eating patterns, which might relieve anxiety or pressure in the short term by offering a measure of control.

However, over time, those coping mechanisms can become entrenched, perhaps even leading, over time, to an eating disorder. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia. This year’s eating disorders awareness week is highlighting ‘Eating Disorder Recovery and Beyond: Respecting individuality and identity’.

Each person’s experience of disordered eating is unique. Making assumptions about what it’s like to struggle with food can leave those who are already in a vulnerable position feeling even more alone. However, it’s a tough topic to raise – with lots of us fearing that by enquiring we may even make our friends, colleagues, loved ones feel worse. Our partner, Bodywhys, explains that:

  • eating disorders develop and function differently for each individual person;

  • eating disorders can become a part of a person's identity, and can become intertwined with the person’s sense of self;

  • recovery is unique to each person; and

  • a person-centred approach is crucial to validate and recognise each individual experiences and to ensure that each person feels heard and supported, every step of the way.


For some people experiencing an eating disorder, family therapy can be a helpful support. Family therapy expands the lens outwards and begins a therapeutic process of change within the entire family, looking at communication, relationship patterns and other important relational aspects of life.


If you or someone in your family is affected by an eating disorder, the Law Society offers an independent, confidential and subsided psychotherapy service for solicitors called LegalMind. Solicitors may, in certain geographic locations, avail of family therapy from LegalMind.

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