Talk to a colleague about their wellbeing

10/09/2018 07:30:00

LawCare offers tips for how to help a colleague who is frequently anxious, short-tempered or low and depressed.

Reaching out to a colleague in need

If you are working with someone who appears to be struggling, consider asking your colleague in private what is wrong and how you might help. Talking to a colleague in this way can be difficult but it is not necessary to be an expert in mental health to start a conversation of this nature. It’s important to remember that a conversation could make all the difference to your colleague’s wellbeing.

Here are some tips that might help:

  • Find a suitable place, ideally outside of the office such as a café or go for a walk.
  • The conversation could be started with a simple “How are you?” Once a person knows they are being given the space and time to talk, they often will.
  • Actively listen to the person, and give them your undivided attention. Keep your phone on silent and refrain from looking at your watch.
  • Don’t interrupt - try to leave any questions or comments you may have until the person has finished. 
  • Ask open questions: “What support do you have in place?”, “What would you like to happen in this situation?”
  • Use positive body language, and encourage the person to continue with small verbal comments like “I see” or “what happened next?”
  • Check your understanding by paraphrasing what the person has said back to them.
  • Respond by using empathetic statements such as: “I appreciate this must be difficult for you…”
  • Avoid clichés. Comments like “pull yourself together” or “what will be, will be” are not helpful.
  • Don’t make the conversation about you: avoid saying things like “I know how you feel” or “The same thing happened to me.”
  • The important thing is to listen, rather than give advice - the individual needs to be able to act for themselves.
  • Be reassuring and signpost them towards support such as LawCare, HR, another colleague or their GP.

Contact us

If you are worried about a colleague, you can call the LawCare helpline for advice on 1800 991 801, 9am-7.30pm weekdays, 10am-4pm week-ends and bank holidays. The helpline is free, independent and confidential.


This article originally appeared in the August 2018 Law Society eZine. For more information, and to subscribe, see eNewsletters.