In-House update – June 2022

13/06/2022 11:48:19

Access news, resources and training for in-house solicitors in the private and public sectors.

in-house solicitor update


Corporate entities and individuals face various risks from infringing EU sanctions relating to Russia. In the latest Gazette, Cormac Little warns solicitors to tread carefully in this fast-moving area.

The Spring 2022 edition of the In-House Lawyer magazine is now online. This issue covers topics including cybersecurity, data protection, international arbitration and more.

In the latest Gazette, Elaine Morrissey zooms in on the international transfer of personal data and notes that new standard contractual clauses have increased due-diligence obligations on data exporters.


LexisNexis Library is now available for members to use when they visit the Law Society Library. LexisNexis Library is an online database containing cases, journals, commentary, forms and precedents.


On 12 October, the In-house and Public Sector Committee and Law Society Skillnet will host the annual in-house Conference online. Details, including the Brochure and Booking Form, will be available on the Society’s website in July.

Social Media

In-house solicitors can connect and network with colleagues across organisations using a private LinkedIn group.

About the In-House and Public Sector Committee

The In-House and Public Sector Committee aims to represent the views and promote the interests of this segment of the profession, while supporting the Law Society in the exercise of its representative, educational and regulatory roles as they relate to in-house solicitors in the private and public sectors. Log in to find out about the In-House and Public Sector Committee.