Call for applications for new European Commission expert group

18/01/2021 09:35:10

The Commission plans to take action by the end of next year to protect journalists and civil society against strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), as announced in its 2021 Work Programme and as one of the priorities of the recently adopted European Democracy Action Plan.

In this framework, the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) is setting up a group of experts to provide advice on possible policy initiatives to fight SLAPP and/or support those targeted by the law suits.

SLAPPs are groundless or exaggerated lawsuits against weaker parties who express on a matter of public interest, criticism or communicate messages that are uncomfortable to the litigants, generally state organs, business corporations or powerful individuals.

The mission of the Expert group against SLAPP is to advise the Commission on any matter relating to the fight against SLAPP or the support to their victims.

How to apply

In order to ensure a balanced representation of all common policy interests in the expert group against SLAPP, the Commission has extended the deadline for applications to 22 January 2021.