Your right to member service

20/04/2020 08:07:29

As a member of the profession, the Law Society is committed to providing you with timely and helpful service.

As a member of the profession, the Law Society is committed to providing you with timely and helpful service.

The Law Society of Ireland receives more than 160,000 enquiries every year from solicitors and other parties. We take our responsibility to assist members of the profession with helpful and timely responses seriously.

Staff training

Law Society staff receive training to help them respond to queries, and have access to a detailed internal Enquiries Guide. This document sets out how staff should respond to queries from the profession and others, highlighting our values of courtesy and respect, service and clear communication.

A prompt response

Staff are expected to acknowledge queries promptly. The Society has also issued targets for delivering a substantive response where a query requires time to investigate. These are set out below:

Method of enquiry Target to acknowledge enquiry Maximum target for a substantive response
Phone call 4 working hours 30 days
Social media (approved social media users only) 4 working hours 30 days
Email 1 working day 30 days
Fax 5 working days 30 days
Letter by post or attachment by email 5 working days 30 days

If you have any queries, please contact


This article originally appeared in the March 2020 member eZine. For more information, and to subscribe, visit enewsletters.