The most frequently asked questions related to the application process are below.

If you don’t find the answer to your question, please email the team at awards@lawsociety.ie.

You must submit an online submission form for each entry. There are three options to sending us your entry files: 

  1. Print or online article entries can be uploaded to the entry form. Files must be combined in a single PDF file and in order of priority. A maximum of five articles should be included in any one entry (maximum file size 10MB). 
  2. Audio and video files should be submitted via a link to a file-sharing app of your choice.  
    1. Upload your files to Google Drive, WeTransfer or Dropbox.
    2. Select ‘share files’ and copy link (make sure the appropriate file sharing settings are on).
    3. Include this link in the ‘Files’ field on the entry form.
    4. Please note that we cannot access file sharing applications internal to your organisation e.g. Microsoft 365.
  3.  Alternatively, you can email your files to us at awards@lawsociety.ie. Please clearly mark your files with the correct entry title, category and your name.


We no longer accept links to news articles on media websites. Please only share an uploaded PDF of your entry. If you are submitting multiple print or online articles in one entry, files must be combined in a single PDF file in order of priority. A maximum of five articles should be included in any one entry 

Yes, you can send us a link or file to your full documentary, series, podcast or show. Please indicate the 20 minutes of most important content in your entry form. If this is not specified, the first 20 minutes will be judged.

Entry to the Justice Media Awards is free but there is a maximum of three entries per person or team in each category. 

If you are submitting multiple print or online articles in one entry, files must be combined in a single PDF file in order of priority. A maximum of five articles or content should be included in any one entry. (maximum file size 10MB).  

When entering more than one piece of work in an entry, highlight the most important piece and number each piece of content thereafter by priority to be judged to a maximum of five pieces of content. 

Yes, entries are accepted in the Student Journalism category from people that were full-time students in Ireland at the time of publication during the applicable period. Unfortunately, we cannot accept entries from work published or broadcast outside 1 March 2024 - 28 February 2025. Please read the small print for more information.

Sometimes an article or broadcast piece might fit the criteria for two categories, for example, Court Reporting or Print/online journalism (daily). You may enter the same entry into two categories or you can choose which category you think your entry would be most competitive in. Please note in your entry form if you are submitting the entry in more than one category. 

Unfortunately, we cannot accept entries from outside 1 March 2024 - 28 February 2025. If you include these pieces in your entry, they will not be judged. Please read the small print for more information.

We check each entry and all details included in each submission. If we think there is something missing we will contact you. If you want to send updated form details, please get in touch at awards@lawsociety.ie .