Articles - 12 December
A selection of articles from journals recently received in the Law Society Library are highlighted below.
How to order
Contact the library if you wish to order any of the below articles, library charges apply per article.
Please note copyright legislation does not permit us to supply an individual with more than one article in any one issue of a journal.
Articles available
Bostoen, F. and D. Vanwamel ‘The Digital Markets Act: A partial solution to antitrust’s remedy problem’ (2024) Common Market Law Review 61(6) 1575-1606. European Union - EU Law - European Commission - Antitrust Remedies - Digital Markets - Digital Markets Act.
Clark, R. ‘The incorporation of terms: established foundations and recent case law (part II)’ (2024) Commercial Law Practitioner 31(9) 123-128. Contract Law - Contract Terms - Incorporation - Formation of Contract - Online Contracts - Signature Rule - Express Notice - Course of Dealing - Website Terms and Conditions.
Crushell, B. ‘Full and final? Jurisdiction of the Workplace Relations Commission to hear complaints subject to settlement agreements’ (2024) Irish Employment Law Journal 21(3) 62-64. Employment Law - Unfair Dismissal - Workplace Relations Commission - Jurisdiction - Settlement Agreements.
Daly, S. ‘United Kingdom and ITV Plc v European Commission: comparing apples with apples?’ (2024) British Tax Review 5, 725-734. Competition Law - Companies - Tax - State Aid - Tax Advantages - UK Controlled Foreign Companies - Tax Advantages - EU Law - European Court of Justice - Court’s Reasoning.
Hyland, M. ‘Clash of the titans’ Dec (2024) Law Society Gazette (Ire) 118(10) 26-29. Intellectual Property - Copyright - Artificial Intelligence - EU Law - EU Regulations - EU AI Act.
Keenan, N. ‘On the horizon’ Dec (2024) Law Society Gazette (Ire) 118(10) 38-41. Company Law - Legislative Reform - Corporate Governance - Administration - Enforcement - Supervision - Insolvency - Receivers.
McQuillan, C. ‘Follow the money’ Dec (2024) Law Society Gazette (Ire) 118(10) 34-37. Legal Profession - Solicitors - Money Laundering - Terrorist Financing - Solicitors’ Obligations - Clients - Client Risk Assessment - Due Diligence.
Pepa, C. ‘A new era for whistleblower rights? An examination of the amendments introduced by the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022’ (2024) Irish Employment Law Journal 21(3) 51-56. Employment Law - Protected Disclosures - Whistleblowing - Whistleblowers - Penalisation - Detriment - Personal Grievances - Compensation - Burden of Proof.
Saarsteiner, N. ‘Philip Nolan v Science Foundation Ireland’ (2024) Irish Employment Law Journal 21(3) 57-60. Employment Law - Unfair Dismissal - No Fault Dismissal - Disciplinary Procedures - Misconduct - Reasons for Termination - Fair Procedures - Interlocutory Injunction.