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Nominations now open for Law Society Council elections
Law Society at Blackhall Place Pic: Cian Redmond

05 Sep 2023 law society Print

Nominations open for Law Society Council vote

Nominations have now opened for the Law Society Council and will close on 25 September.

This year’s election will be online for the first time.

Any solicitor holding current Law Society membership has the opportunity to put themselves forward for Council. If elected, the term is for two years.

The Council’s purpose is to act “for the better rule and government of the Law Society, and for the better direction and management of the concerns thereof”.

With 31 elected members, four provincial delegates and 13 nominated members, Council represents the Law Society and its members, both in the interests of the public and of the solicitors’ profession generally.

At least eight meetings are held annually on a hybrid basis to discuss matters, including reports from committees, assigning working groups and task forces, and selecting Law Society representatives.

Diverse membership

The Council will benefit from diversity of membership across different areas of law, with varying experience, geographic location and practice type, creating a more representative body.

Any solicitor who would like to contribute opinions and expertise is asked to please consider running for election.

By joining the Council of the Law Society of Ireland, solicitors can play an important role in shaping and developing the future of their profession.

First step

Those interested must be nominated by two other Law Society members. Neither of these can be an existing office-holder of the Council (that is, president, senior vice-president or junior vice-president).

This year, as part of the Law Society ‘Digital first’ policy, the nomination process will be conducted online.

Key dates

  • 1 September: nominations open online on lawsociety.ie,
  • 25 September: nominations close at 5pm,
  • 12 October: closing date for sending in canvassing profile (up to 500 words),
  • 20 October: voting opens,
  • 2 November: voting closes at 5pm,
  • 9 November: election results at AGM.

If you have a query, please contact: councilelections@lawsociety.ie.

A live information session tomorrow at 1pm (Wednesday 6 September) will hear from Kate McKenna and Peter McKenna:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d1T1TIxbSaOGMwtXQ8m_Bw#/registration

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