Qualified accountant

Front lawn and front of Education building at Blackhall Place

If you are an Accountant who is qualified for and holds one of the following professional accountancy memberships (non-honorary), you are exempt from the Preliminary Examination and can apply to sit the Final Examination – First Part (FE-1).

  • Associate of Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI)
  • Associate of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
  • Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland (CPA Ireland)
  • Associate or Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
  • Associate or Fellow of Association of International Accountants (AIA)
  • Member of Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (CIPFA)
  • Member of the Institute of Accounting Technicians, Ireland (ATI)
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Final Examination – First Part (FE-1) 

The Final Examination – First Part (FE-1) is the entrance examination to the Law Society of Ireland's Professional Practice Course (PPC) for training to become a solicitor.

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Training Contract

After completing the FE-1, you will need to find a solicitor to train you and enter into a Training Contract.

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The Professional Practice Course (PPC) at the Law Society of Ireland is designed to prepare you for work as a solicitor. It is available as an in-person full-time course or a part-time hybrid course.

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In-office training

Upon completing the Professional Practice Course (PPC) trainee solicitors are required to complete two years of in-office training.

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Admission to the Roll of Solicitors

When you have successfully completed your PPC examinations and your in-office training you may apply to have your name entered on the Roll of Solicitors.

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Practising Certificate

It is the statutory responsibility of each solicitor to ensure that they have a Practising Certificate (PC) in force before providing legal services of any kind whatsoever. After admission to the Roll of Solicitors, you can apply for your PC.