Work Experience in a Legal Firm

07/11/2019 12:00:00

New guides are now available to foster valuable work experience placements for students and firms.

Supporting hands-on learning

The Guidance & Ethics Committee of the Law Society have developed a new initiative to assist legal firms when accepting students into their office on work experience.

This initiative aims to provide a framework for a firm accepting a student as well as maximising the student’s experience to, and understanding of, the legal framework and the type of work undertaken within a solicitor’s office and takes the form of two guides.

For TY Students

The guide for students provides an introduction to the legal environment, offering the student a handbook for their time in the firm, learning resources and tasks to complete during their work experience: Work Experience in a Legal Firm – A Guide for Students.

For Firms

There is a complementary guide for solicitors which outlines the steps that a legal firm may take to prepare their office for a student attending the firm on work experience: Work Experience in a Legal Firm - A Guide for Firms