Education Annual Operational Plan

See below for details of the Education Department Annual Operational Plan for 2021.

  • We will provide premier professional training courses for all trainee solicitors.
  • We will implement the proposals of the Peart Commission to streamline and modernise the process of qualification as a solicitor.
  • We will plan for the provision of necessary additional teaching spaces for the pre and post qualification education of solicitors as our current facilities are operating at full capacity. 
  • We will continue to improve the premises and facilities used for our courses.
  • We will continually review and change out education courses to ensure their relevance and application to practice.
  • We will oversee and monitor the ‘in-office’ training of those seeking to qualify as solicitor.
  • We will support students through mentoring, counselling and learning supports.
  • We will promote diversity in entrants to the profession through our access programme, the provision of student bursaries and the provision of a new route to qualification.
  • We will oversee the continuing professional development of the profession through monitoring of the CPD Scheme rules.
  • We will provide a growing number of cutting edge Diplomas and Certificates in diverse areas of law and practice.
  • We will provide a wide range of relevant, practical and informative seminars for the profession throughout Ireland.
  • We will provide legal education and information to all through initiatives such as the Street Law Programme and an annual Open Online Course,
  • We will examine and assess all those seeking to qualify as solicitors to ensure the maintenance of high standards in the public interest.
  • We will assist those who have met the education and regulatory requirement of the Society in qualifying as solicitors.
  • We will, through the completion of system 360 in Education improve our IT systems to meet the needs of solicitors and trainees in an efficient and user-friendly manner.